This time we’re bringing the Manchester City logo into Minecraft with a 64 x 64 block floor in a huge cave mine below a pond, which will be really cool to look down into!
You can pick whatever blocks you want, this is what I choose:
- 1026 white -> Diorite
- 531 Blue -> Lapiz Lazuli Ore
- 327 Yellow -> Gold Ore
- 67 Light Blue -> Diamond Ore
- 1260 Dark Blue -> Cobbled Deepslate
- 36 Red -> Granite
- 849 Fill -> Stone
I strongly recommend to not use Lapiz Lazuli Ore if playing in Survival mode. It takes forever to mine!
With some patience, you’ll have a detailed replica of the Manchester City logo to showcase in your Minecraft world! This build is a great way to celebrate your favorite team and add a creative touch in your world.
And that’s it! With just a few resources and this guide, your Manchester City statue will be the centerpiece of the overworld!